
Odessa national polytechnic university

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The basic requirements


1. Magazine must have the English-language variant of the name and publish the English-language variant of lemmatas (names of reasons and authorial resumes) to all scientific articles. Quality of the English-language annotation (good English abstract; short/ mediocre quality; very short/ badEnglish abstract) is estimated in the system. Complete text of the article can be in any language (in our case- on Russian). If a magazine has the Russian variant of the name only, then at filling of request the name of magazine is ordinary given as a transliteration and translation of the name into English language. It is wrong to give the name of magazine only in English language, if for him officially such variant is not registered (example: Eksperimental’naia i klinicheskaia gastroenterologiia = Experimental & clinical gastroenterology). If a magazine has, except the name in Russian language, official name in English one, and it is on the cover of magazine, then in the system it is possible to declare this name.

2. Magazine must go out regularly, minimum a 1 producing in a year; irregular editions are not examined;

3. Magazine must be criticized (foresees control of quality of reasons);

4. Magazine must have an own site with the English variant of pages. In this case placing of magazine does not rescue on the platform of ÐÓÍÝÁ (elibrary.ru) ÐÓÍÝÁ does not replace the site of edition. ÐÓÍÝÁ in this case can be examined as an aggregating agent and taken into account in the number of databases and other informative editions that plug a magazine in treatment (division- prevalence of edition (distribution).On a site unnecessarily there must be complete texts, but there must be complete enough information about a magazine even at the level of tables of contents and resume, information about editorial board and etc. As an example open site of the Russian magazine that arranged a command SCOPUS and experts of CSAB, it is possible to name the Criminology magazine of the Baikal state university of economy and law (Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, http://cj.isea.ru/about/requisites.asp ). This magazine was declared a release in 2008, and in 2009 entered in SCOPUS. Presence of site, in opinion of command SCOPUS and CSAB, necessary condition for a magazine that is indexed in international interdisciplinary DB and provides for reference to the platforms of publishing organizations (View at Publisher at every article, Journal homepage at the name of magazine).The experts of CSAB data are offered to with the estimation of site in English language (Quality of homepage - good, mediocre, poor). At the same time there is an address of site in the system, where an expert can appeal in the process of examination;

 5. Estimation of magazine quality:

  • authoritativeness of publishing house : studied on a presence and composition of editorial board - international composition of board (even 1-2 representatives from other countries) is desirable or even national (representatives from different cities); composition of board does not pass from the specialists of one organization (for example, one institution of higher learning); the same belongs and to the authors - it is desirable to have among authors foreign scientists or even good few from other cities (i.e. the greater variety of jobs of authors is desirable and, if there is editorial board,- authoritativeness of editor-in-chief and row of members of editorial board);
  • popularity: the presence of publications is checked up in DB of SCOPUS and references to the publications of editor-in-chief and yet 2th members of editorial board; h-index is determined (index of Hirsch);

In the system a few indexes join additionally- quality and quantitative indicators on quoted of magazine in DB of SCOPUS calculated on certain formulas by the employees of SCOPUS.

  • availability: checked up on magnitude of subscription through the catalogue (WorldCat) of the system OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), including data about funds more than 10 thousand libraries). Russian editions meet rarely in him, but this index is not qualificatory;
  • prevalence of edition: whether a magazine is reflected in other databases, whether there is a magazine in Web of Science and in other databases. If a magazine is reviewed in ÐÆ ÂÈÍÈÒÈ, then in a questionnaire in this field it is possible to specify "Referativnyi Zhurnal".

As addition, to present a scale conducted by a publishing house Elsevier works on preparation of this DB, I bring information about that, how the process of treatment new, acting for plugging to DB information is organized.

All process is divided by 4 stages:

1.From complete text abstract information and references (quoting to information) are extracted, including: the name of the article, authors and data at their belonging (organization, city, country), authorial resumes, before articles lists. All of it is done by the subdivisions of publishing house, located in Asia. Job of authors is to important making information about the article, because only at presence of complete and correct data about an author and organization, in the system it will be possible to get correct information (including the personal profile of author and organizations, presence of references and etc.)

Unfortunately, Russian-language references in before articles lists, as noticed, often can not be identified. At that rate, instead of reference 2 words "Russian source" (Russian source) are specified only. In the process of treatment to descriptions of reasons keywords (terms from the controlled dictionaries) are added - approximately 80No such file or directoryaintenances of SCOPUS indexed by means of the controlled dictionaries.

2. Production of Database : on this stage the prepared records are loaded to productive DB located in Amsterdam, in Netherlands, where they pass control of quality and statement.

3. The tested records are loaded in Depository. Basic task on this stage- to do copulas between the articles and references and get thus given about quoting. Here brought to conformity of the article with the profile of authors. SCOPUS uses the difficult algorithm of concordance of records, references and authors. The accepted algorithm allows to arrive at 99 2.276821e-269xactness.

4.All records are sent on loading on the site of http://www.scopus.com/, that is located in the USA in city Dayton, where records disembogue in the searching system.

All process of preparation of information leaves 2 weeks.