Largest in the world base of abstracts and quoting «SCOPUS» is a bibliographic and abstract database and an instrument for tracing quotation of papers, published in scientific journals. It indexes 18 000 names of scientific editions on engineering, medical and humanitarian sciences of 5000 publishers[1]. Database indexes scientific magazines, materials of conferences and serial book editions. Developer and proprietor of SCOPUS is publishing corporation Elsevier. The database is accessible on the terms of subscription through a web-interface. The searching engine of SCOPUS is computer-integrated with the searching system Scirus for the search of web pages and patent database. Scopus ( includes record up to the first volume, first issue of magazines of leading scientific publishing houses. It provides unsurpassed support in the search of scientific publications and offers references to all going out quotations from the vast volume of accessible papers. Developers, responsible for the content, had to assess an enormous amount of sources, in order to guarantee the representation of scientific literature of the highest quality, including publications in open access (Open Access), papers of scientific conferences, as well as materials, accessible only in electronic form. The searching system Scopus also offers Research Performance Measurement (RPM) which is the means of research efficiency control, which helps to assess authors, research directions and magazines. |
Minimum of efforts to access complete text of the article Scopus gives exact and comfortable hyperlinks to complete texts of materials. Unique technology of hyperlinks creation, based on processing of images, which is used in Scopus, allows researchers to see only references to complete texts of papers, to which there is the prepaid access in their library that eliminates the problem of unworking references in the past. Inclusion of all hyperlinks to the fulltext materials from the system CrossRef, which encompasses publications of more than 1500 publishing houses, enables users to pass to complete texts of papers regardless of whether they are subscribed to these articles or no. Moreover, Scopus actively adds its own hyperlinks to fulltext materials, not entering the CrossRef.
Experience of instantaneous access Scopus is integrated with other informative sources of library, to give users the possibility of instantaneous access to other sources meaningful for them. Search for all necessary scientific information in the Internet is done simultaneously by means of the searching system Scirus. As well as external links, links to the quoted articles from the list of results of search, the page of abstracts and reference information provide instantaneous transition between interconnected materials. In order to obtain professional results by means of Scopus, it is quite not required to be a skilled user of databases. | | Developed with participation of scientific association Development of Scopus was conducted with participation of professionals in area of information technologies and researchers from around the world. The interface was created by efforts of a team, consisting not only of ten developers, busy with this project during a complete working day but also with the help of cognitive psychologist. They summarized data of observations and reviews of users, obtained during tests (hundreds of researchers and librarians were engaged in them). This approach is unique in its own way, as potential users of the product took part in planning and testing of every function and element of functional possibilities. For example, realization of the innovative element 'Refine Results' (to specify results) was direct consequence of feed-back with users, which were interested in possibility of the comfortable viewing of results and simple options, providing more exact and clear search. Improving of Scopus will go on with the account of the needs of researchers. Researchers can send queries about new names, sources and types of documents to the Commission of content selection, consisting of leading scientists and librarians - representatives of all basic subject areas which help to provide regular addition of new names. The system Scopus is created to support efficiency of working process of researchers, helping them to: - search the new articles from an area their specialization;
- search for information about the author;
- search for the articles written by a certain author;
- get access to information, which gives idea about a certain author;
- get a common or complete idea about a new subject area;
- trace quotations and look over h -index to determine the most quoted articles and authors, that is most interesting in separate spheres of research;
- assess research quality - analyze results of research at the level of institute or magazine, to make the right decision or just to keep track of events.