The basic requirements and order of presentation Êirilova Olga Vladimirovna, a member of the Expert council of selection of editions in DB of SCOPUS (Content Selection and Advisory Board— CSAB) Database of SCOPUS of publishing house Elsevier the documents (more than 41 million, addition records- about 2 million records of one year of publication) presented on volume and presently is the number of the magazines (more than 17 thousand current editions) reflected in her the largest abstract and analytical database in the world. Annually Elsevier entertains for plugging to DB about 2 thousand scientific magazines of entire countries, regardless of language of complete texts of editions, from them in DB gets about 50%. So, in 2008 1856 magazines were offered, from them 861 magazine got a positive estimation and plugged to DB in 2009, i.e. 46 % the list of offered. More than 70-th countries offered the magazines, approximately 90 countries even one magazine was enter DB. The magazines of the USA and Great Britain in the list of accepted make approximately 30% and 15% according, that coincides with composition by percentage of magazines of these countries in a world magazine stream. In the list of the Russian magazines processed in DB presently (current, or "active" magazines), 235 names (look through p.1 of the list)*. From them 9 magazines (Bioorganic chemistry, Biophysics, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular biology of and other- in a list noted by a blue color) have a double reflection- the and Russian-language, and English-language versions of magazines are included in DB. Magazines Lectures of WOUNDS and High molecular connections are present in the English-language version plugged to DB, 7 and 4 series, according. Taking into account all of it, if to talk about the number of the original names, then in a list presently there are 217 magazines (if something is produced, we ask to report). 14 magazines are published only in English language (one magazine of Plasma Devices and Operations in a list is not plugged, because rights on him fully belong to the foreign publishing house, although editor-in-chief- Russian scientist); 155 magazines have the English-language version (71,5%, distinguished by a red color), 66 - Russian-language. The records of the medical Russian-language magazines undertake from DB of Medline (36 names).
From data of SCOPUS, 104 magazines are published MAIK Science/of Interperiodika (Pleiades Publishing, Inc.). However, there are in actual fact more magazines of this publishing house, because part of releases of the magazines published in other foreign publishing houses (Allerton Press, Consultants Bureau), not so a long ago disembogued in MAIK- Pleiades. 52 magazines are published by publishing houses the USA, Great Britain, Netherlands, Germany. It, except indicated,- Elsevier, Kluwer, Springer, Plenum, Pergamon, Turpion, VSP, and also foreign institutes and societies - Institute of Materials (Great Britain), Instrument Society of America, London Mathematical Society, Optical Society of America, Welding Institute. From the Russian publishing houses "Science" (Russian-language versions of magazines) and Medicine are most full presented. The current list of magazines is complemented by data about the magazines plugged also in Web of Science (117 magazines). The second part of list includes magazines the reflection of that in DB is interrupted presently (115 names). Both the Russian-language versions of magazines that is reflected now by the English-language variant and magazines, that is eliminated after examination on accordance to the requirements, produced to the editions plugged to DB of SCOPUS, belong here. I will explain this situation. The primary forming of DB SCOPUS took place by confluence of more shallow thematic to DB, prepared by a publishing house Elsevier (Compendex, GeoBase and etc.), and also addition of records from DB of Medline. These DB on the functional setting it was been abstract and did not put before itself the tasks of bibliometric analysis of the sources plugged in them. Creation in DB of SCOPUS of vehicle of analysis of references (Citation tracker) and task of expansion of composition DB was entailed necessity of development of own criteria of selection of sources for the system, and, foremost, revision of the originally formed array. After examination of array the most Russian-language versions, having the English-language analogue, and also magazines falling short of to the accepted basic criteria of selection (foremost, magazines not having the English-language lemmatas to the articles and before articles lists of literature (references)), were eliminated. In the list of such magazines the Russian-language special (branch) magazines got, mainly, on engineering sciences (category of editions, determined in the system as Trade publication, basic included category- scientific magazines- academic/scholarly). However although below in enumeration of requirements talked that the magazines of such character in the system are not examined, exactly also as the magazines excluded from DB in the period of start of the system (2004-2005) are present cases, when magazines, changing and improving the certain descriptions, go back into the system. Magazines from that the archived producing is taken in the system are distinguished in the third part of list. On this book there can be magazines getting from other DB (look is higher) and not reflected presently (the records included once are not eliminated from the system), and also producing of magazines, added specially for plenitude of presentation of the magazines reflected presently. As a rule, it is the archived years of the English-language versions of the magazines, placed on foreign platforms (SpringerLink, ScienceDirect, AIP and etc.), that, mainly, is plugged to DB. In 2008 Russia offered only 12 magazines, from them 7 magazines (58%) were accepted. It is better, than general index of results of selection. However an amount of the offered magazines would be and it must be considerably anymore. At the same time, before to declare magazines, it is necessary to know about those criteria that is produced CSAB and command SCOPUS to the magazines in the process of their estimation and selection. Only not enough to place an order and fill the form of suggestion of magazine Title Suggestion Form ( . Desirably preliminary to estimate the chances, define possibility for it or magazines, conducting their analysis on those criteria on that experts estimate the offered magazines. What objective will be done own estimation to the magazines, than magazine will be more prepared from the point of view of the produced requirements, the less than it will be disappointments and more probability of plugging in the list of magazines of this DB. Preparation of magazine to examination is conducted by the employees of SCOPUS (SCOPUS team), using as questionnaire data about a magazine, that, after suggestion of magazine and his registration in the system, are inquired in a release or at a person, giving a request, so outsourcing. To outsourcing, foremost, DB of Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (, that includes the detailed data about magazines (if they are there), and also own sites of magazines, belongs in English language. It is here possible to say that a release also can do some work above including of magazine (es) in DB Ulrich’s. This resource- very important, it be possible to say, only most complete information generator about magazines, that is used in the whole world. Plugging to this DB gives an opportunity to the release or publishing house to get an additional exit in world informative and library community, to give the most complete information about the editions, to get more wide possibility to extend the subscription and etc. Open a page and study, how to check, whether there are you in Ulriñh, or how to join to this DB and how to add information, if you there are already. Although Russian periodic and proceeding editions in this system more than 3 thousands, however, information often is incomplete, and considerable part of magazines is absent in her in general. Although ÂÈÍÈÒÈ ÐÀÍ annually gives in this system of taking of represented in RZ of the Russian and foreign magazines, as experience showed, in default of magazine it is not enough in the system of this information, that him to her to add. Connection is required with a publishing house or release, that, as a rule, is set by the employees of Ulrich independently. And if information about edition is difficult accessible over the internet and there are not publishing data, then edition in Ulrich does not get. t- retreat from the basic theme of this text, however, important, including, and in order that it was possible and to get the most complete primary information a command SCOPUS about a magazine. Prepared by a command SCOPUS to examination magazines are offered to the experts of CSAB regularly, as far as the accumulation of requests and preparation of information on magazines, in the interactive mode from a site DB SCOPUS in a compatible for all editions form. An evaluation sheet for every magazine includes 4 blocks of data about a magazine and 2-3 articles in the format pdf. Example of evaluation sheet of the magazine presented on examination (the magazine of Biopolymers and Cell, Ukraine, is plugged to DB in 2009) Indexes that practically automatically attribute magazines to the digit of outsiders are below given. Although on examination all declarable magazines are given, however, as a rule, these magazines get a negative estimation: - magazines without ISSN;
- editions that go out irregularly;
- magazines without the before articles lists of literature;
- magazines without a resume in English language to every article;
- magazines not having a vehicle of criticizing;
- magazines not having the sites in the Internet;
- branch editions (professional, productive) not answering the requirements of selection on the type of documents;
- magazines that were plugged in 2004, in the moment of start of DB, but that were excluded from her in future (it was already said higher about it).
There are cases, when a magazine joins to DB without some from these indexes. These can be the magazines, appraised as having the subjects badly presented in DB, or something near to it. As a rule, it is magazines on humanitarian or social sciences (to these magazines more soft requirements are while produced, because presently DB extends composition of magazines of these thematic areas). There are very a bit such magazines. As a rule, magazines that just began to be published are eliminated from consideration. For example, a magazine is offered in DB in the year of the education, when a brief-case is only formed yet, one or a few numbers went out. Or a magazine is young and has the subjects already well presented in DB. However, nevertheless for the exception of magazine experts must choose a few criteria, on that they consider that a magazine is not necessary to be taken. |