
Odessa national polytechnic university

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Test access

        Publishing house Elsevier offers trial access to the most part of our electronic products.

      Trial access for organizations    

        As a rule, trial access is given only to organizations in the range of IP -adress and is coordinated by the library of this organization.

        As the ultimate goal of trial access is to prove necessity of acquisitions of one or another product, then each of parties (testing organization and publishing house) must take this activity seriously, as it requires certain preparatory work and is an important activity.

Testing organization usually appoints a responsible person, secures support of the administration, puts up information about the start of trial access on its site and gives to its users guidance about the use of the product, does internal delivery, conducts training with key persons (for example with heads of departments), etc.

Publishing house in its turn checks of IP-addresses of the organization, informs about the possibility (or impossibility) of connecting and makes all efforts, that the use of the trial access is maximally effective (checks up the awareness of users, availability of user's guide etc.). On expiration of the period of the trial access (usually about 5 week) publishing house gives statistics about the use of the product to the organization. On the basis of these data administration of the organization, as a rule, makes the decision about the necessity of further collaboration with the publishing house.

If you wish to get trial access on one or another product, we advise you to сontact with the manager of our publishing house, supervising your organization. After it you can fill a questionnaire on the granting of the trial access for organization in the range of IP -adress.

  Questionnarie on the grant of test acces

After a concordance with a manager and filling of questionnaire, all additional product information, user's guides, you can subsequent statistics of the use get for Galina Yakshonak (products on the platform of ScienceDirect) or Vadim Sobolev (other databases).


Connecting of the programms is forbidden for the system flush-off of content, what all potential users must be warned about. In case of finding out connecting of the similar programs test access will be closed to finding out of reasons of similar violation.

Presently you can get test access on next products: