Table of contents and basic advantages- scope more than 22 thousand scientific magazines from the 4 thousand largest scientific publishing houses from around the world, including more than 300 Russian magazines
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Advantages before other databases exceeds most existing in the world databases on plenitude and retrospective depth complete information on Russian organizations, Russian magazines and Russian authors, in particular indexes of quoted - controls of efficiency of researches, which help to estimate authors, organizations, directions in researches and magazines
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- possibility in one step to see laying out of results on all possible sources of search (an amount is in scientific magazines, patents, scientific sites in the Internet), and gone into detail picture on the names of magazines, authors and coauthors, years, types of publications etc.
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Financial arguments - purchase even of a few separate databases (computer-integrated or recovered Scopus) exceeds the cost of Scopus in 10 of one times
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| | Examples of the use Scopus for different categories of users For guidance of universities and ÍÈÈ - receipt of the newest information to any direction of scientific researches (in what organizations, in what area and who is conduct researches), that will allow effectively to accept corresponding decision
- determination of status of employee, department, whole organization (on publications and quoted)
- objective ground during attestation of establishment, and similarly receipts of financing or for a report on the use of underbacks
- possibility to get from one platform that is usually sparse in ten of different resources
- possibility in one step to see all possible information about scientific developments (in what magazines, for what authors, what are patents, given on years etc.)
- receipt of complete data on all authors, published in an interesting area (name of author, job, subjects of publications, quoting etc.)
- receipt of complete data on all organizations, published in an interesting area
- analysis and comparison of interesting scientific magazines, for a further choice, in what from them it is better to be published, what from them presents more valuable scientific information.