
Odessa national polytechnic university

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Antoshuk S.

           Scientific in area of information technologies, doctor of engineering sciences (2005), professor (2005).

         She is graduated the Odessa polytechnic institute in 1981, faculty of automation and computing engineering on speciality "Industrial electronics" and got qualification engineer of electronic technique. From 1981 to 1984 years engineered in research subdivision of the Odessa polytechnic institute, from 1984 to 1989 - by the engineer of the second category in ОKB of production amalgamation of "РЕОМ" of ministry of electronic industry. From 1989 works in the Odessa national polytechnic university, passed a way from an assistant to the professor, director of institute of the computer systems. In 1996 year without tearing away from a production made off graduate school and protected candidate's dissertation.From 1998 to 2002 is a deputy of dean of institute of the computer systems, from 2002 years is a manager by the department of the informative systems.


On a department preparation of specialists is conducted after speciality are the "Informative managers of the system and technology", direction is "Computer sciences". A department under her guidance conducts in industry of information technologies. In 2005 year got scientific degree of doctor of engineering sciences and scientific rank of professor of department of the informative systems. On a department scientific school is formed in industry of intellectual technologies of treatment and recognition of vectorial signals and images. From 2009 year is a director of institute of the computer systems of ONPU.

Antoshuk S. G. is an author more 150 the advanced and scientifically-methodical studies. Chairman of Scientific advice of institute of the computer systems of ONPU, member of the specialized scientists of advices of К 41.052.08 (speciality is the intelligence systems) and Д 41.052.01 (speciality is information technologies).



Member of editorial boards of leading magazines of Ukraine: scientific and technical magazine "Technology and constructing in an electronic apparatus", international scientific magazine "Комп'ютинг" and scientific and practical magazine "The electrical Engineering and computer systems" (assistant editor).

Accepts active voice in organization of international conferences on information technologies and intellectual treatment of signals and images (member of programmatic committee): Modern informative and electron of technology (Odesa), Computer design and intellectual systems (Zaporozhye), Optronic and informative technologies of "PHOTONICS-ODS"(Vinnytsya), "Intellectual systems of making decision and problem of calculable intellect (Kherson), to the Allukrainian international conference on treatment of signals and images and recognition of patterns(Kiev), etc.

         Member of Ukrainian асоцiацiї from treatment of information (УАсОIРО).

       Recipient of an award breastplates МОНУ "Excellent  formations of Ukraine" (2005) and "For scientific achievements" (2008) and by the deed of Department of education and science of Ukraine (2009).

List of publications


1.    Антощук С.Г.. Интегральное распределение энергии по масштабам вейвлет-преобразования при анализе изображений / С.Г. Антощук, А.А. Николенко // Радіоелектронні та комп’ютерні системи. –  Харків «ХАІ», 2010, № 7 (48). – С.

2.    Антощук  С.Г. Моделирование интерпретации изображений в области вейвлет-преобразования / С.Г. Антощук, А.А. Николенко Електромашинобудування та електрообладнання. — 2010. — Вип. 75. — С. 121 — 125.

3.    Антощук С.Г., Д.А. Маєвський, С.А. Яремчук  Проирование количества ошибок на этапе эксплуатации адаптируемых учетных информационных систем// Радіоелектронні та комп’ютерні системи. –  Харків «ХАІ», 2010, № 6 (47). – С. 204 -210

4.    Абакумов В.Г. Індексування зображень за характерними ознаками/ В.Г. Абакумов, С.Г. Антощук, О.В. Крилов, П.В. Попович // Электроника и связь. Тематический выпуск «Проблемы электроники». Ч. 2. № 4-5 - Киев, 2009. – 216 – 221

5.    Антощук  С.Г. Анализ базисных функций вейвлет-преобразования при мультимасштабном контурном представлении изображений / С.Г Антощук ., А.А . Николенко , Е.В. Ткаченко // Електро-машинобудування та електрообладнання.— 2009. — Вип. 72. — С. 15 — 19

6.    Антощук С.Г.Адаптивна локалізація символьних написів на зображеннях методом вейвлет-аналізу / С.Г. Антощук, О.Ю.Бабілунга, А. О Ніколенко., О.В. Ткаченко //Збірник наукових праць ЖДТУ. – 2008. – № 4 (47). – С. 124 – 130