Professor, doctor of engineering sciences. He was born in Kharkov of August, 14, 1939. After completion in 1956 of school acted to study on a department "Electrification of industrial enterprises" of the Kharkov polytechnic institute (HPI) graduated that with a difference in 1961. From 1961 to 1967 worked in the design-experimental department of UGPI "Òÿæïðîìýëåêòðîïðîåêò" in positions of engineer, senior engineer, leader of group. Engaged in modernisation of electromechanics of direct-current of flatting mills. From 1967 to 1970 studied in graduated school of the Ukrainian in absentia polytechnic institute (UZPI) Kharkov.From 1970 there is a candidate of engineering sciences, assistant, senior teacher, associate professor of department of "Electromechanic and automation of industrial options" of UZPI. Since 1977 associate docent of department "Electromechanics CASS" of HPI. In 1989 protected in the Moscow power institute (MPI) doctoral dissertation and a professor got a scientific rank in 1990. He is the high achiever of higher school, inventor of the USSR, recipient of an award the medals of VDNH USSR for the executed developments of industrial electromechanics. The unchanging from 1956 area of engineering and scientific interests is an electromechanic. For period of productive and scientific activity published 7 monographs and more than 250 scientific reasons, he has 7 copyright certificates. Prepared 14 candidates of engineering sciences. He protected doctoral dissertation in 1989 in the Moscow power institute. He worked out positions of theory of optimal on a fast-acting management the electromechanics of direct-current in part of complex optimization of laws of management and parameters of electromechanic. Developed positions of theory of adjusting of electromechanics with the observers of the state. He worked out the method of synthesis of the electromechanics systems with the observes of the state.
Akimov Leonid Vladimirovich conducts large work in area of teaching-methodological, scientific and technical activity and international cooperation. |