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Hubert Roth

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hubert Roth

Head of the Institute of Automatic Control Engineering (RST), ZESS Project Area 4 "Automation, Mechatronics and Medical Technology", International Graduate Studies in Mechatronics., Member of the International Postgraduate Programme Committee on Multi Sensorics of the ZESS...

Date of Birth


Studies, 1974-1979 

Electrical Engineering at University Karlsruhe with emphasis in Control and Computer Science


Scientific Co-worker at the Institute for Automatic Control Engineering (Prof. Dr. Dr. Fцllinger) at University Karlsruhe

Doctoral Degree, 1983

„Ein neues Verfahren zur Ordnungsreduktion und Reglerentwurf auf der Basis reduzierter Modelle“ (A new Procedure to Order Reduction and Controller Design on the Basis of the low-order System)


System Design Engineer at Dornier System, Spacecraft Control Department


Professor for Control and Sensor Systems at the University of Applied Sciences, Ravensburg-Weingarten


Professor for Automatic Control Engineering at University of Siegen

Since 2001

Head of the Institute for Automatic Control Engineering in the faculty Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Siegen

Since 2000

Chair of the project sector 4 “Automation, Mechatronics and Medical Engineering” of the Centre for Sensor Systems (ZESS) at the University of Siegen

Scientific Awards 2001

 Cultural Award of the cities Ravensburg and Weingarten, Weingarten 




  • Control Theory
  • Robotics
  • Mechatronic Systems (in English)
  • Advanced Control (in English)
  • Intelligent Control (in English)
  • Attitude Control for Space Applications (in Englisch)


Research and Scientific Interests:


  • Navigation und localisation of cooperating mobile Robots
  • Control in aero-space applications
  • Obstacle avoidance and path planing for manipulators
  • Tele-control, tele-manipulation, tele-presence
  • E-learning


Recent and Current Research Initiatives


  • Navigation of mobil robots using PMD-cameras
  • Search and Rescue Robotics
  • Outdoor Robotics
  • Environmental Exploration (E2N)


Responsibilities and Activities:

 Since 1992 Director of the Steinbeis-Transfer-Centre „Applied Computer and Software Technologies“

  • Since 1994 member of the “Technical Committee on Components and Instruments” of the “International Federation of Automatic Control” (IFAC)
  • 2002-2005 Chair of the “Technical Committee on Computers and Telematics” of the “International Federation of Automatic Control” (IFAC)
  • at-Automatisierungstechnik, Reviewer
  • IFAC journal CEP (Control Engineering Practice), Reviewer
  • Project leader of the EU-Asia-Link project “Environmental Engineering and Management – Establishment of Master Programme at the University of Laos
  • Chair of the examination office “Electrical Engineering” and “Mechatronics”
  • Lecturer at the University Wьrzburg, Germany, in the ERASMUS-MUNDUS programme "SpaceMaster - Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology"
  • Visiting professor at the University of London, KingsCollege


Doctoral Degree Work Supervision

 28 doctoral theses in total 


IEEE member, VDI member, member of the IFAC technical committees on Components and Instruments and on Computers and Telematics

Further Informations




1.      Klaus Schilling, Hubert Roth, Christina Spilca: “A Tele-Experiment on Rober Motor Control via Internet”, Journal of Robotic Systems 22(3), 123-130, 2005, Wiley Periodicals, Inc..

.                                   Roesch, H. Roth, M. Klinkov: „Vibration Damping of a Flexible Structure”, VSTech2005, The First International Symposium on Advanced Technology of Vibration and Sound, page 347-351, Mjyajima, Hiroshima, Japan, 2005.

2.      Niramon Ruangpayoongsak, Hubert Roth, Jan Chudoba: “Mobile Robots for Search and Rescue”, SSRR2005, IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, June 6-9, 2005 Kobe, Japan.

3.      Niramon Ruangpayoongsak, Hubert Roth, Rudolf Schwarte: “Position Calibration of a Mobile Robot Based on 3D Vision”, IFAC World-Congress, Prague, 2005.

4.      J. Roesch, M. Ruehl, H. Roth: “Feedback Control with Varying Time Delays by a Dead-Beat Controller”, IPSI 2005 <Spain, International Conference on Advances in the Internet, Processing, Systems, and Interdisciplinary Research, Girona, Spain, 2005.

5.      Niramon Ruangpayoongsak, Hubert Roth and Robert Mayr: “Localization for a Car-like Mobile Robot Using Nonlinear Dynamic Model”, ICINCO 2005, Barcelona, Spain, September 14-17, 2005, pp. 367-372.

6.      Niramon Ruangpayoongsak and Hubert Roth: “Path Following in Unknown Environment for a Car-Like Mobile Robot”, ICINCO 2005, Barcelona, Spain, September 14-17, 2005, pp. 455-458.

7.      Manoonpong P., Pasemann F., Fischer J. and Roth H.: “Neural Processing of Auditory Signals and Modular Neural Control for Sound Tropism of Walking Machines”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, ISSN 1729-5506, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 223-235, 2005.

8.      Asif Iqbal, Hubert Roth and Moneeb Abu-Zaitoon: “Stabilization of Delayed Teleoperation Using Predictive Time-Domain Passivity Control”, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference ROBOTICS AND APPLICATIONS, October 31 – November 2, 2005, Cambridge USA.

9.      Asif Iqbal, Otto Roesch, Hubert Roth and Asad Rasool: “Using Meta-Heuristics In The Control Of A Non-Linear Input Delay Laboratory Helicopter System”, 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC-CDC 2005, 12-15 December 2005, Sevilla, Spain.

10.  Wolfgang A. Halang, Ricardo Sanz, Robert Babuska, Hubert Roth: “Information and Communication Technology Embraces Control”, Milestone-Report IFAC World Congress 2005, Prague, Czech Rep.

11.  Otto J. Rцsch, Hubert Roth: “Regelung Dynamischer Systeme mit stochastischer Zeitverzцgerung durch ein Kommunikationsnetzwerk“, 40. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, 22. – 24. Febr. 2006<, Boppard.

12.  Manoonpong P., Pasemann F., and Roth H.: “A Modular Neurocontroller for a Sensor-Driven Reactive Behavior of Biologically Inspired Walking Machines”, to appear in: Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence (ICNNAI'2006), the Brest State Technical University Press (ISBN 985-493-036-X), 31 May - 2 June, Brest, Belarus, 2006.

13.  Manoonpong P., Pasemann F., and Roth H.: “Modular Reactive Neurocontrol for Biologically-Inspired Walking Machines”, International Journal of Robotics Research, Sage press, submitted.

14.  Ruangpayoongsak, N., Roth, H., Schwarte, R.: “3D Artificial Landmark Design and Recognition for Mobile Robots”, 4th IFAC-Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, September 12th-14th, 2006. (in press)

15.  Asif Iqbal, Hubert Roth: “Stabilization Of Teleoperated Systems With Stochastic Time Delays Using Time Domain Passivity Control”, SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference, Bexco, Busan Korea, 2006.

16.  Asif Iqbal, Hubert Roth: “Predictive Time Domain Passivity Control For Delayed Teleoperation Using Energy Derivatives”, 9th International Conference on Control, Automation Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2006, Singapore.

17.  Asif Iqbal, Hubert Roth: “Time Domain Passivity Control For Delayed Teleoperation With Parabolic Power Integration”, 7th International Conference on Technical Informatics, CONTI’2006, 8-9 June 2006<, Timisoara, Romania.

18.  M. Rьhl, H. Roth: “Path Planning and Visualisation in High Dimensional Configuration Space”, ISR/Robotik, 16. – 19. 5. 2006.