
Odessa national polytechnic university

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Stavinsky Andrey Andreevich

The scientist in the field of electric machines, Dr.Sci.Tech. (1994), the professor (2001).

           He was born on May, 12th, 1953 in Moldova. After the ending in 1975 of electromechanical faculty of the Odessa polytechnic institute (since 2001 - national university) A.A. Stavinsky has been directed for work in Nikolayev CSRI "Typhoon", where till 1981 he developed, and since 1984 supervised over development of the built in electric machines of ship hermetic refrigerating compressors, electric machines with an external rotor for built in fans of ship and ship independent conditioners, electric machines of the equipment of deep-water underwater-technical complexes. Also he executes researches on creation of axial electric machines and improvement vibrating-acoustic characteristics of alternating current electric machines. Since 1981 till 1983 he was trained in postgraduate study Moscow all-Union correspondence engineering-building institute on a specialty „Electric machines” and in an academic council of the Moscow power institute has defended the candidate thesis. Since 1991 he was trained in doctoral studies of technical university „Moscow power institute” and in December 1993 has defended the thesis for a doctor's degree on a theme: „Induction motors with a short-circuited rotor and spatial structure of active part elements”.




After liquidation CSRI "Typhoon" and USSR disintegration since February 1994 he worked as the associate professor of the Ukraine state marine technical university (since 2004 - National university of shipbuilding of a name of admiral Makarov), and since November, 1997 and on present time to head the „Ship electropower systems” sub-faculty this university.

A.A. Stavinsky has developed a new direction of improvement of induction electromechanical and static converters, and, also reactors on the basis of spatial structures and nonconventional configurations of elements of their electromagnetic systems. Since 2000 he supervised over work of four post-graduate students which have defended candidate theses.

The basic directions of his activity are research and special electric machines improvement, energy resources economy in development of alternating current electric machines and transformers. He publishes about 200 scientific works in the field of electromechanics, including 62 copyright certificates and patents.

            A.A. Stavinsky is a member of specialized council on defends of candidate theses at Odessa polytechnic university and the associate editor of scientific and technical magazine „Electrotechnical and computer systems” of publishing house "Technique", Kiev. For scientific, technical and pedagogical activity he award the EANE USSR bronze medal (1981) and signs of the Ukraine Education and a science Ministry „The overachiever of Ukraine education” (2005), and „For scientific achievements” (2010).



 Most essential publications:

1. Ставинский А.А. Особенности назначения и использования специальных электрических машин // Електротехніка і електромеханіка. – 2008. – №1.–С.44-48.

2. Ставинский А.А., Ставинский Р.А. Классификации структур и элементов электромагнитных систем электромеханических и индукционных статических преобразователей // Електротехніка і електромеханіка. –2008. -№2.– С.53-58.

3. Патент на винахід  81985 Україна, МПК НО1F 27/24 Статичний індукційний пристрій /

А.А.Ставинський, Р.А.Ставинський, 2008, Б. №4. – 3с.

4. Ставинский А.А., Зеленый Н.И. Перспективы использования и усовершенствование электромеханической системы, содержащей асинхронный двигатель с многофазным стержневым статором и трансформаторный преобразователь числа фаз// Вісник НТУ „ХПІ”.-Харків: НТУ „ХПІ”, 2008, №30.-С.457-459.

5. Направления усовершенствования индукционных статических устройств на основе электромагнитных систем с многоплоскостными образующими поверхностями и метод их структурной оптимизации/ А.А.Ставинский, Р.А.Ставинский, О.О.Плахтырь, А.Н.Цыганов// Вісник НТУ „ХПІ”.-Харків: НТУ „ХПІ”, 2008, №40.-С.115-124.

6. Патент на винахід  88883 Україна, МПК НО1F 27/28, НО1F 27/24, НО1F 21/00. Просторова електромагнітна система / А.А.Ставинський, Р.А.Ставинський, 2009., Б. №23 – 4с.

7. Ставинский А.А., Шевченко В.В., Чекунов В.К. Возможности усовершенствования судовых электромеханических комплексов на основе нетрадиционных технических решений электрических машин / Електронне видання „Вісник Національного університету кораблебудування”.–Миколаїв: НУК, 2010.–№2.–С.98-105.

8. Патент на винахід  91755 Україна, МПК НО1F 3/00, НО1F 27/24. Магнітопровід трифазного статичного індукційного пристрою / А.А.Ставинський, Р.А.Ставинський, О.М.Циганов, 2010, Б. №16. – 3с.

9. Патент на винахід  91756 Україна, МПК НО1F 3/00, НО1F 27/24. Магнітопровід  статичного індукційного пристрою / А.А.Ставинський, Р.А.Ставинський,  2010, Б. №16. – 4с.

10. Ставинский А.А., Тищенко И.А ,Зеленый Н.И. Перспективы и особенности дальнейшего усовершенствования индукционных электромеханических и статических преобразователей // Електротехнічні та комп’ютерні системи. – 2010. – №1(77). – С.64-69.