
Odessa national polytechnic university

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Sivokobulenko Vitaly Fedorovich


Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, academician of the Technological academy of Ukraine, managing department the "Electric stations"


Teaches disciplines: "Mathematical tasks of electroenergy", "" Mathematical design in the electrical engineering"

           Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, academician of the Technological academy of Ukraine, managing a department the "Electric stations", specialist in area of electroenergy, member of scientifically-methodical Council of electroenergy of Department of education of Ukraine, chairman of the specialized scientific advice К11.052.02 at DonNTU on defence of candidate's dissertations, member of the specialized advice at the Novocherkassk polytechnic institute on defence of doctoral dissertations on speciality 05.09.01 (electric machines) and 05.14.01 (electric stations), member of Scientific advice ДонНТУ and Advice of power faculty, member of organizational committee of scientific conference of "Problem of Ukrainian scientific and technical terminology" (Lvov).


Сивокобыленко Vitaly Fedorovich (1934 births, village Reznikovo of the Kharkov region) in 1957 graduated with a difference the Kharkov polytechnic institute on speciality the "Electric stations, networks and systems". Worked in the Donetsk separation of ОРГРЭС (1957-67) and in the energymanagement of Donbassenergo (1967-71), where engaged in adjusting, exploitation and research of the modes of operations of power-stations. Since 1971 worked as the associate professor of department the "Electric stations, network and system" DonNTU, and since 1974 to the managers by this department. In 1986 protected doctoral dissertation in the Moscow power institute on two specialities: the "Electric stations, networks and systems" and "Electric machines". In 1987 ratified in a scientific rank of professor.


Most essential publications:

1. Переходные процессы в многомашинных системах электроснабжения электрических станций: Уч.пособие /Сивокобыленко В.Ф. - Донецк, ДПИ, 1984. - 116с.
2.Сивокобыленко В.Ф., Музалев В.В., Махинда Сильва.Ограничение перенапряжений при замыканиях на землю в системах электроснабжения собственных нужд электростанций. Сборник научных трудов ДонГТУ.Серия: Электротехника и энергетика, Выпуск 2: - Донецк: ДонГТУ, 1998. - с.229-233.
3. Сивокобыленко В.Ф., Гребченко Н.В., Апухтин А.С., Зубашенко В.В. Дополнительная резервная защита мощных блоков генератор-трансформатор. Збiрник наукових праць Дон ДТУ Серiя "Електротехнiка i енергетика", випуск 21: Донецьк: Дон ДТУ, 2000.-с.84-88.
4. Сивокобыленко В.Ф., Меженикова М.А. Определение параметров эквивалентных схем замещения турбогенераторов для расчета на математических моделях. Збiрник наукових праць Дон ДТУ Серiя "Електротехнiка i енергетика", випуск 17: Донецьк: Дон ДТУ, 2000.-с.38-41.
5. Сивокобыленко В.Ф., Лебедев В.К. Переходные процессы в системах электроснабжения собственных нужд электростанций. Уч. пособие, Донецк, ДонНТУ, 2002. - 136 с.
6. Сивокобиленко В.Ф. Математичне моделювання в електротехніці і енергетиці: Навч. посібник. - Донецьк, 2005.-350 с.