Honoured worker of science of Russian FEDERATION, doctor of engineering sciences, professor. He was born in April,4 1931 in Moscow. Citizenship - a citizen of Russian Federation He graduated Moscow mountain institute in 1954, got qualification of mountain engineer-electrician. He has worked an engineer, senior engineer of institute Giprougleautomation from 1954 to 1959. He has worked an electromechanic in VNII, by a leading designer managing a laboratory, last 12 - by the deputy of director on the advanced study from 1959 to 1982. Since 1982 for a present tense is a manager by the department of Electromechanic and automation of industrial options of the Moscow state open university. Honoured member of Academy of electrical engineering sciences of Russian FEDERATION. Editor-in-chief of scientific and technical magazine is the "Drive technique". Author is the more than 150 published works. Scientific interests: electromechanics transformers of energy, managed electromechanic of alternating current, system of adjusting of coordinates of electromechanic.