Academician of Academy of sciences of shipbuilding of Ukraine Deserved inventor of Ukraine, doctor of engineering sciences, professor Laureate of bonus BCHTO, Laureate of bonus of ÖÊ ËÊÑÌÓ ÓÐÑ and ÍÒÎ The known scientist is in industry of control system, information technologies, automation of technological processes, robototechnics. Author is more than 250 scientific works, 45 from which is published abroad, 105 inventions, protected by the patents of Ukraine, Russian FEDERATION, and also copyright certificates of the USSR.The row of scientific developments is applied in industry, awarded the First bonuses of the black Sea inter-regional rule of scientific and technical society of shipbuilding industry the name of an academician A. N. Krulova (1977), Ukrainian republican advice of scientific and technical societies (1979) and All-union advice of scientific and technical societies (1980), it is marked the bronze medal of ÂÄÍÃ of the USSR (1985). For active scientific, inventor and scientifically-public activity the "Best young inventor of Ukraine" (1979), the "Best activist of scientific and technical society of shipbuilding industry, the recipient of an award the honoured signs the name of an academician A. N. Krulov" (1982), "Inventor of the USSR" (1983), "Excellent of formation of Ukraine" (1995). Conducted after international underbacks scientific researches in the leading universities of China (1988-1989), Germany (2000) and USA (2003).
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In 2008 year by Decree of President of Ukraine of prof. the Honoured rank is appropriated Kondratenko U. P. the "Deserved inventor of Ukraine". Winner of the Allukrainian competition "Invention of year - 2006" (nomination "The Best invention in the Nikolaev area"), recipient of an award Diploma of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2006), Diploma of Department of education and science of Ukraine (2007). In 2000 select the foreign member of Royal Academy of doctors of sciences (Barcelona, Spain). From 1993 a member of National Committee of Ukraine is from automatic control, member of Presidium ÑͲΠUkraine (since 2007), from 2006 there is President of the Ukrainian national separation of the International association of ÄÀÀÀÌ (Austria), member of Presidium of the Allukrainian engineering union (since 1992), from 1995 there is an actual member GAMM (International association from the applied mathematics and mechanics - Gesellschaft of fur of Angewandte Matematik und of Mechanik), actual member of Academy of sciences of shipbuilding of Ukraine (since 1996), actual member of Ukrainian Academy of economic cybernetics (since 1998), actual member RINA and IMarEST (1999-2007). Member of the specialized scientists of councils of defence of doctoral and candidate's dissertations at ÎNPU - the Odessa national polytechnic university (since 1996), Sevastopol and Kherson national technical universities (1997-2003), delegate IV and V of Allukrainian conventions of ÑͲÎ, chairman of sounding BOARDS in ONPU, ÍÓÊ the name of àdm. Makarov, to the Nikolaev branch ONU by the name I. I. Mechnikov and in the Kherson branch of NUK by the name of adm. Makarov. Co-ordinator of collaboration of Academy of sciences of shipbuilding of Ukraine and Regional ì³æâóç³âñüêîãî center from DAAAM International Association for Automation & Manufacturing (Austria), Real Academy of Doctors and Real Academia de Ciencias Economicas in Financieras (Spain), Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), Cleveland State University, company Aldec, ²nc. and Nazareth College (USA), RINA - Royal Institute of Naval Architecture and IMarEST - Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (Great Britain,1999-2007),By international Association of shipbuilders and repaires of the black Sea region - ÁÐÀÑÑ (1998-2008). Member of the International programmatic committees International MS’2010 (Barselona, Spain), CAMS’2010 (Rostok, Germany), CAMS’2007 (Zagreb,Croatia), 17th - 21th International DAAAM Symposium (Vena, Austria, 2006-2010), DECOM-TT 2009 (Ohrid, Makedonia), DECOM-TT 2007 (Izvir, Turkey), Extreme robototechnics - 2008 (S-Peterburg, Russia), AUTOMATIC (Ukraine, 1994-2010), International Modelling School AMSE UA-PL (Ukraine - Poland 1996-2010) and others. From 1996 the first vice-president of Regional Intercollegiate Center (Nikolaev, Ukraine); from 1999 a professor of department of the intellectual informative systems of the black Sea state university is the name of Petro Mohyla, professor and manager (1998-1999) of department of computer-assisted control system of NUK the name of adm. Makarov. At high professional level gives lectures to the students from disciplines "Theory of automatic control", "Theory of making decision", "Theory of control system", "Theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic" and "Bases of scientific researches", under scientific guidance of prof. Kondratenko U. P. graduate students are protect 6 candidate's dissertations. |