
Odessa national polytechnic university

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Firago Bronislav Iosifovich

             Doctor of engineering sciences, professor of department of  "ЭАПУиТЛ" Belarussian nat. techn. university, Minsk.

 Firago B.I., 1935 year of birth, Belarussian, graduated with a difference the Leningrad polytechnic institute in 1961 on speciality "Electrification of industrial enterprises". From 1961 tor 1963 worked in the Minsk branch of NIIT-autoprom in positions of engineer-designer, senior engineer, leading an engineer, leader of group of designer department. In 1963-1966 is a graduate student of department the "Electric machines and electromechanic" of the Belarussian polytechnic institute. Worked as on this department an assistant (1966-1967), senior teacher (1967-1968), associate professor (1967-1973, 1975-1977). In 1973-1975 is a senior staff scientist of department of electrical equipment and automation of industrial options of BPI. From 1977 to 1997 is зав. by a department "Electromechanic and automation of industrial options and technological complexes" of the Belarussian national technical university. Since 1997 is a professor to it.

Candidate of engineering sciences (1967), associate professor (1971), doctor of engineering sciences (1985), professor (1986).

Member of Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET), Hartiyniy engineer (C Eng) of Great Britain, escort of Order of British Empire of 4th degree (OBE).

He has 255 scientific works, including 3 monographs, 3 educational books, 33 inventions and scientific articles.

            Most essential publications:

1. Фираго Б.И. Непосредственные преобразователи частоты в электроприводе. –Мн.: Университетское, 1990. – 255 с.

2. Фираго Б.И., Павлячик Л.Б. Регулируемые электроприводы переменного тока. – Мн.: Техноперспектива, 2006. – 363 с.

3. Фираго Б.И., Павлячик Л.Б. Теория электропривода: Учеб. пособие.

    1-е изд. Техноперспектива, 2004. – 527 с.

    2-е изд. Техноперспектива, 2007. – 585 с.