
Odessa national polytechnic university

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Àndrienko Peter Dmitrievich

Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, deserved inventor of Ukrainian USR,
P. D. Andrienko is a graduating student of electrical engineering faculty of the Odessa polytechnic institute, since 1962 works in Zaporozhya, at first in a department TWISTED, and since 1965 - in NII of power electronics "Transformer".

          For this period a way passed from an engineer to the leader of head institute of Minprompolitic of Ukraine, first vice-chairman of rule of ÎÀÎ ÍÈÈ "Transformer" Zaporozhya. Under guidance Andrienko P. D. scientific school is created on research and planning of transformers of frequency and complete electromechanics on their basis. Andrienko P. D. published more than 110 scientific works.

Presently is the scientific head of the interdepartmental scientific technical program "Development of basic element base of power electronics in Ukraine, as a method energy- and ðåñóðñîñáåðåæåíèÿ, increases of technical level of products of engineer". Spares large attention to training of engineering personnels, being holding two jobs the professor of department of electric vehicles of the Zaporizhzhya state technical university. Under his direct guidance geared-up and 5 candidate is successfully protected and one doctoral to dissertation.

Accepts active voice in-process editorial boards of scientific and technical magazines, including - collection "Electrical machine-building and electrical equipment", now the electrical "Engineering and computer systems", is the member of the specialized councils of defence of dissertations. Andrienko P. D. was one of initiators of creation of Association of engineers of power electronics, uniting more than 300 leading scientific countries the CIS.

ò. 8(061) 280-06-31