Professor, doctor of engineering sciences, academician of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences of National Progress, manager of department of sound tecnnicians and registration of information of NTUU -KPI from 1980 to 2005, member of Union of cinematography. He was born in 1938 graduated KPI in 1960 with a difference after speciality the "Electronic devices". Worked on positions from an assistant to the manager of department, dean of electro-acoustic faculty (EAF). Protected candidate's dissertation in 1965, doctoral - in 1975. Teaches disciplines the "Electronic industrial devices", electric "communication, "System of applied "Theory of information and code", "Special systems of television". Scientific activity is related to development of theory and technique of the photo-electric and televisional sweepable systems of treatment of information, and also systems of the applied television and digital processing of images. On the base of informative theory of the systems worked out an educational course the "Electronic industrial devices" and the first created in the USSR of the same name train aid (1978), USSR recommended for higher educational establishments. Put beginning in Ukraine to preparation of specialists in industry of modern videotechnicque Organized in KPI a research institute audio and videotechnique (NDI AB). He was director of NDI АВ on the public beginning (from 1995 to 2008). Sphere of scientific interests: the applied television, systems of reflection of information, telecommunication systems, video- and audiotechnique, biomedical electronic systems, digital treatment of signals. Gave out over 300 scientifically-methodical labours, including 17 monographs and train aids, has 65 copyright certificates (The USSR and Ukraine), 5 patents of foreign countries.
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Assisted to development of higher education in Bulgaria, where read the set of lectures and gave out a textbook the "Electronic devices of the management systems". After his participating the problem laboratory computer-aided design fabrics was created in the Higher electrical machine-engineering institute Gabrovo.
Together with prof. V. P. Sigorsky assist becoming of Ukrainian technical terminology in industry of radio electronics, executing translating from French into Ukrainian of popular editions : "Radio?. But the same is very simple"! (1972), "Television?. But the same is very simple!" (1972), "Transistor?. But the same is very simple"! (1974).
On his initiative department first in Ukraine and former USSR began preparation of specialists in industry of videotecnique and modern technologies in television and now conducts in this direction.
Prepared 4 doctors and 20 candidates of sciences. He is the author of five train aids with the vulture of Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR (1978), and Ministry of education of Ukraine (1997 - 2001). A laureate of bonuses NTUU KPI is for the best train aids (1979, 2000). The train aid of "Технически средства на системите за управление" (1975) is given out in Bulgaria. Winner of competitions NTUU KPI is in a nomination "Teacher is a researcher" (2006, 2007). During many years (from 1969 to 1989) was an organizer and scientific leader of all-union scientific conferences of "Television techniques and tools in science and technology" and scientific conferences of "Improvement of magnetic recording" which found confession in former Soviet Union and after his limits. Combines scientific activity with scientifically-public, heading during many years (1970-1990) a section "Radio electronics" of municipal society of "Knowledge", and also section of "Television and magnetic record" of NTT of radio electronics and connection of Ukraine. During many years fruitfully works in composition of the specialized scientists of councils of candidate's defence and doctoral dissertations in industry of electronics on positions of scientist of secretary (1977-1982), member of the specialized Advice (from 1972 for nowadays), chairman of the specialized Advice (1991-2006), assisting strengthening of skilled composition of faculties and establishments of radio electronic type in Ukraine. He is founder (1997) and the president of the Ukrainian separation of International society of audioengineers (АЕS). He is a laureate of the State bonus of Ukraine in area of scitech (1989). Honoured worker of scitech (1992). Recipient of an award two medals, by signs the "Honoured radio operator of the USSR", "Inventor of the USSR", by two medals of Exhibition achives in the national economy (VDNG) of the USSR, diploma of Exhibition of front-rank experience (VPD) of Ukraine, honoured game of diplomas Ministry of communications, Ministry of Education of Ukraine. On occasion of 100 year of KPI the honoured rank is appropriated him "Deserved professor KPI".
Member of editorial college of magazines "Electonics and communications" and "TV technology". Basic textbooks and monographs : "Устройства на видиконе для ввода графиков в ЭВМ" (1967), "Технические средства систем управления" (Bulgarian), (1975) "Электронные промышленные устройства" (1978), "Фотоэлектрические сканирующие устройства преобразования информации" (1979), "Многопультовые системы отображения информации" (1983), "Технические средства информатики" (1989), "Біомедичні сигнали та їх обробка" (1997), "Системи відображення в медицині" (1999), " Микроскопические и флуоресцентные методы в медицине" (2000), "Біомедичні сигнали - генезис, обробка, моніторинг" (2001), "Системы отображения в медицине" List of publications 1. Abakumov V.G., Lomakina O.Y. Motion Analysis in Automatic Systems// Proceedings of the IIId International Conference MEMSTECH’07, “Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design”, Lviv-Polyana, 2007, p. 100-103. 2. В.Г. Абакумов, Е.Ю. Ломакина, П.В. Попович. Особенности переходных характеристик цветораспознающих систем обработки визуальной информации // науково-прикладний журнал “Технічна електродинаміка”, тематичний випуск “Силова електроніка та енергоефективність”, ч.2, 2007, c. 125. 3. Abakumov V.G., Lomakina O.Y. Taking into Consideration the Process of Electronic Beam and Potential Relief Interaction in Television Systems of Image Processing // Proceedings of the International Conference TCSET’08, “Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications, and Computer Science”, Lviv-Slavske, 2008, p.373-374. 4. Д.В. Самохвалова, Ломакіна О.Ю. Визначення динамічних характеристик за допомогою обробки зображення // Матеріали студентської науково-технічної конференції “Електроніка-2008”, Київ, 2008, 44 с. 5. Абакумов В.Г., Трапезон К.О., Попович П.В., Ломакіна О.Ю., Антощук С.Г., Кан Амаду. Основні фактори погіршення якості зображення в системах цифрового телевізійного мовлення // Матеріали V Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції «Сучасні інформаційно-комунікаційні технології (COMINFO’2009)». – Крим, Ялта-Лівадія, 5-9 жовтня 2009р. – С.134-136. 6. В.Г. Абакумов, Е.Ю. Ломакина. Использование информации о движениях рук при управлении автоматизированными устройствами // журнал “Электроника и связь” №4-5, тематический выпуск “Электроника и нанотехнологии”, 2009, 257-259 с. 7. В.Г. Абакумов, Е.Ю. Ломакина. Интерпретация движений рук расширяет возможности интерактивного управления в интеллектуальных системах// Природные и интеллектуальные ресурсы Сибири. 2009. 199-202 c. 8. В.Г. Абакумов, Е.Ю. Ломакина, П.В. Попович. Особенности распознавания движения рук при управлении автоматизированными устройствами// Материалы научно-технической конференции “Силовая электроника и энергоэффективность”, Крым, Алушта. 2009. 9. В.Г. Абакумов, В.В Васильева, Е.Ю. Ломакина. Современные средства взаимодействия человека с компьютером// журнал “Электроника и связь” №5, тематический выпуск “Электроника и нанотехнологии”, 2010, 128-131 с. 10. O.Y. Lomakina. Gestures Recognition as a New Information Input Device for Automatic System Control// Proceedings of X-th International Conference TCSET’2010, “Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications, and Computer Science”, Lviv-Slavske, 2010.p.100-103. 11. В.Г. Абакумов, Е.Ю. Ломакина, Д.В. Самохвалова. Системы доступа на основе распознавания лиц и жестов// Материалы конференции "Сибресурс-16-2010". 12. В.Г. Абакумов, Е.Ю. Ломакина. Автоматическое распознавание жестов в интеллектуальных системах// Материалы конференции "Искусственный интеллект. Интеллектуальные системы 2010", 2010, 269-272 с. 13. В.Г. Абакумов, О.Ю. Ломакіна. Система розпізнавання жестів для управління технічними пристроями// Матеріали V-ї міжнародної конференції з оптоелектроних інформаційних технологій «Photonics-ODS 2010», Україна, Вінниця, ВНТУ, 2010, 63 с. |