Mykhaylo Zagirnyak Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Scientist and Engineer of Ukraine, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Rector of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (KrNU). M.V. Zagirnyak was born on September 25, 1947. He graduated with honors from Lugansk Machine Construction Institute. After that he worked at Lugansk Diesel-Locomotive-Construction Works as an engineer. Later he served in the Army. From 1971 till 2002 he took up posts of a research worker, a senior teacher, an associate professor, a department head, a pro-rector of East-Ukrainian Volodymyr Dal National University. As a winner of contests for long-term USA government grants according to IREX (Electrical Engineering – 1983-84), Fulbright (Education Management – 1997-98) programs, he worked at Kentucky and Texas Universities. In November 2002 he was elected rector of Kremenchuk University and has been at the head of it till the present time.