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Onishchenko Oleg


Onishchenko Oleg Anatolievitch

O.A. Onishchenko, Dr. of Sc. (Eng), Professor  of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Devises Department at the Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration

Electrical Engineer, graduated with honor  from Odessa Polytechnic  Institute on specialty “Electrical Drive and Automation of Industrial Plants”.

He worked as an electrical fitter for monitoring system and automation, electrician, senior electrical engineer. Candidate of technical science in two specialties “Electrical complexes and systems including their control and regulation” + “Machinery and apparatuses of refrigeration and cryogenic engineering also conditioning systems”.

Since 2010 he is a Doctor of Science in specialty “Automation of control processes”, and since 2011 he is a Professor of  Electrical Engineering and Electronic Devises Department at the Odessa State Academy.

In 1999-2003 he was the group leader for experimental study and design cost effective control systems for electrical drive for refrigeration units. As a result the set of experimental and training stands were designed.

He was the head  for interuniversity co-operation (OSAR-ONPU;ONMA-OSAR) to study power invertors, control systems and electrical drives for ship’s refrigeration and compressor equipment, also pumping systems.


Since 2009 he is the direction head of research work “Design of testing rigs for evaluation of energy saving characteristics in industrial equipment” for state enterprise Derzhspozhivstandart of Ukraine NTCH “Stanko Sert”.

He was the adviser for a Ph.D student who successfully defended in 2009 his thesis in specialty “Automation of control processes”. Two Ph.D. students will be ready to defend their theses in 2012.

He published more than 70 works in electrical mechanics, control system for  motor drive, electrical machines (scientific papers, reports, patents).

He published more than 30 methodological works , 4 text-books (including with MON title).

He got several grants: Texas Instrument (USA) in 1999, Analog Devises (USA) in 2002, Phoenix Contact (Germany) in 2011.

He is a member of Ukrainian  Electrical Engineers Association, also a member of sensitive committee for Ph.D. (К 41.052.05) awards in Odessa Polytechnic University. He was appointed many times as an official opponent for defense procedures in the direction “Electrical mechanics”, took part in regional mass media publications.

He got in 2011 the Honored Chapter from Regional Government.

He is the head of Scientific Counsel “Science Fundamentals of Energetic” National Academy of Science of Ukraine seminar “Optimal control and operation of electrical drives for refrigeration plants” which works in Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration.


Main published works:

1. Букарос А.Ю. Модернизация управляемых приводов герметичных компрессоров / А.Ю. Букарос, О.А. Онищенко // Електротехнічні та комп’ютерні системи. – 2010. – № 01 (77). – С. 58-63.

2. Socio-economic aspects of energy efficiency control systems for refrigerating installation. Volodymyr Zvyvytsya, Oleg Onishchenko, Eldar Vaynfeld, Fedir Dyshlevy // Proceedings of the 1st international Іnternet-conference “Socio-economic aspects for SME development”, 06.12.2010.

3. Zhyvytsya V.I., Vaynfeld E.I., Onishchenko O.A. (Ukraine).  Energy audit and management for small scale refrigerating systems / Сучасні проблеми економічної теорії  та  практики господарювання в ринкових умовах: Збірник наук. праць ІІ-ї Міжн. наук.-практ. конф. – Одеса: ОДЕУ, 2010. –С. 364-368.

4. Пат. 66073 Україна, МПК (2011.01) Н02К 17/00, u201106058. Асинхронний двигун для частотно регульованого електропривода / А.Ю. Букарос, О.А. Онищенко. Заявл. 16.05.2011, опубл. 26.12.2011. Бюл. № 24, 2011.

5. Букарос А.Ю. К вопросу снижения массогабаритных показателей управляемых электроприводов герметичных компрессоров / А.Ю. Букарос, О.А. Онищенко // Восточно-европейский журнал передовых технологий. – 2011. – № 6/3 (48). – С. 68-71.

6. Карпович О.Я. Верификация математической модели вентильно-индукторного электродвигателя микрокомпрессора / О.Я. Карпович, О.А. Онищенко // Вісник НТУ “ХПІ”. – 2011. – №24. – С. 77-82.

7. Карпович О.Я. Алгоритм моделирования вентильно-индукторных электроприводов микрокомпрессоров / О.Я. Карпович, О.А. Онищенко // Восточно-европейский журнал передовых технологий. –  2011. – №3/8(51). – С. 19-23.

8. Карпович О.Я. Система управления вентильно-индукторным электродвигателем микрокомпрессора / О.Я. Карпович, О.А. Онищенко // Електротехнічні та комп’ютерні системи. – 2011. – № 03(79). – С. 204-206.

9. Карпович О.Я. Расширение диапазона регулирования производительности микрокомпрессоров средствами автоматизированного электропривода / О.Я. Карпович, О.А. Онищенко // Матер. міжн. наук.-техн. конф. “Сучасні проблеми холодильної техніки і технології”. – Одеса: ОДАХ, 2011. – С. 63-65.

10. Карпович О.Я. Особенности математической модели вентильно-индукторного электропривода компрессора малой холодильной установки / О.Я. Карпович, О.А. Онищенко // Матер. десятої всеукраїнськ. наук.-техн. конф. “Математичне моделювання та інформаційні технології”. – Одеса: ОДАХ, 2011. – С. 72-73 (додаток до журналу «Холодильна техніка та технологія»).