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Herwig Volker

          Professor Herwig was born in 1976 and graduated in 1994 high school. He studied business systems in Goettingen/Germany from 1995 to 1998 and was a scholar of the "German National Academic Foundation". From 1999 to 2001 he was a PhD student at the Friedrich-Schiller university Jena. In parallel he worked as a consultant and IT project manager in different projects for major german companies. As an IT strategiest he worked for Siemens Communications from 2001 to 2005 in Munich and for Siemens Energy from 2005 to 2008 in Orlando/USA. He was a member of the architecture advisory committee for RosettaNet from 2004 to 2007.


      In 2008 Professor Herwig became a professor for business systems at the university for applied sciences Erfurt.

      Professor Dr. rer. pol. Volker Herwig is a professor of business systems at the university for applied sciences Erfurt. He holds two international patents and is an assessor for the Thueringer Aufbaubank and the DAAD. He is a PMI certified project manager, has a Six Sigma greenbelt and different technical certifications.




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1. Herwig, V., Maa, S.; Haensgen, P.: Practical Application of Cloud Computing for Shop-Systems on the Example of Intershop Enfinity, Wismarer Wirtschaftsinformatik-Tage 2010.


2. Herwig, V.; Lankes, J.;Stapel, S.; Ernst, A.: Nutzung von Informationsmodellierung auf Unternehmensebene, ISReport Dezember 12 (2008), S. 18-22.


3. Herwig, V.; Lankes, J.;Stapel, S.; Ernst, A.: Management von Geschftsobjekten - Informationsmodellierung auf Unternehmensebene, ISReport November 12 (2008), S. 12-18.


4. Herwig, V.: Data standardization as the basis for a service-oriented architecture, Modeling, Design, and Analysis for Service-oriented Architectures, Workshop as part of the International Conferences on Services Computing September 2006.


5. Herwig, V.: Modeling of the organizational change, Americas Conference of Computer Science August 2006.


6. Herwig, V.: Einsatz des Universal Description Discovery and Integration Standard, JavaSpektrum 5 (2004), S. 34-36.


7. Herwig, V.; Schlabitz, L.: Unternehmensweites Berechtigungsmanagement, in: Wirtschafts­informatik 46 (2004) 4, S. 289-294.


8. Herwig, V.: WebServices im Integrationseinsatz, is report 10 (2002), S. 19-25.


9. Herwig, V.: Eignung von Leistungen fr einen elektronischen Vertrieb am Beispiel ffentlicher Leistungen, in: Akademie 4 (2001), S. 42-46.


10. Herwig, V.: E-Government, 1. Auflage, 2001.


11. Herwig, V.: Zugang und Zustellung in elektronischen Medien, in: Multimedia und Recht, 3 (2001), S. 145-149.


12. Herwig, V.: Erfllung ffentlicher Ziele durch Einsatz des Internet, in: Verwaltung und Management 6 (2000), S. 364-367.


13. Hess, T.; Herwig, V.: Portal Sites, in: Wirtschaftsinformatik 41 (1999), S. 551-553.


14. Herwig, V.: Konzeption und Realisierung eines Tools zum strukturierten Datenaustausch von Debitorensalden ber das Internet, 1997.