Viktor Mashkov Docent Viktor Mashkov was born in 1955. Graduated from Kiev Military Aviation Institute (KMAI), faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1977. Received PhD degree in Technical Diagnosis from KMAI in 1984 and Dr Sc. degree in Cybernetics and Technical Diagnosis from Military Academy of Ukraine in 1995. Academician of the Ukraine academy of Space. Since 1984 has worked in different positions ranged from assistant professor to professor. From 1984 to 1997 worked at Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, at KMAI and at Military Academy of Ukraine. From 1999 to 2007 visiting professor at Czech Technical University (CTU) and Charles University in Prague. Since 2007 until now Docent at the University of J.E. Purkyne in Usti nad Labem (Czech Republic). Supervised 4 PhD students and advised 2 Dr Sc. Theses. Prepared the courses and delivered lectures on the subjects: · Software fault tolerance, dependability of distributed applications (in the English language) Univerzitas Carolina Pragensis, matfyzpress, Praha, 2005 · Modern approaches to providing fault tolerance of software systems and distributed internet-based applications (in the English language) Univerzitas Carolina Pragensis, matfyzpress, Praha, 2006 · Dependabilita softwarových systému (in the Czech language) University of J.E. Purkyne, Usti nad Labem, 2008 · Dependability of information systems (in the English language) University of J.E. Purkyne, Usti nad Labem, 2012
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His major research focuses on dependability of computer systems, software fault tolerance, system level self-diagnosis and multi-agent systems. Program committee member of several international conferences (Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-agent Systems CEEMAS, Intelligent Decision Making Systems and Applied Aspects of Information Technologies ISDMIT). Investigator on more than ten research projects to the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine while working at KMAI. During 1999-2003 wrote six Technical Reports at the Gerstner laboratory, Department of Cybernetics, CTU (Prague, Czech Republic). Participated in more than ten International Conferences of IEEE, IASTED, ICSOFT, HIS (held in Hungary, Spain, Chili, Austria, China, the USA, Virgin Islands, Cyprus) where his contribution papers were published in the proceedings of the conferences. Since 2008 member of DIG of the EU project DEPLOY. Currently, local coordinator of the International (Czech Republic – Germany) project InWest “Transfer of Information Technologies”. Author (or co-author) of nearly 100 papers, journal articles and books. |
List of publications for the last three years Books: 1. V.Mashkov, J.Fiser. Samokontrola a samodiagnostika na systémové úrovni. Lviv: Ukrainian Academic Press, 2010, ISBN 978-966-322-169-4, 176 stran. (in Czech language) 2. V.Mashkov. Selected problems of system level self-diagnosis. Lviv: Ukrainian Academic Press, 2011, ISBN 978-966-322-365-0, 184 pages. Journal articles: 1. J.Fiser, V.Mashkov. Alliance and coalition formation. Int. Journal of Applied Computer Science, Vol.18, No.1, Poland, 2010, pp.19-38, ISSN 1507-0360. Papers in the proceedings of conferences: 1. V.Mashkov. New approach to system level self-diagnosis. In Proceedings of IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, CIT2011, Cyprus, 2011, pp.579-584, ISBN 978-1-4577-0383-6 2. J.Fiser, V.Mashkov. Alliance and coalition formation. In Proceedings of ISDMCI’2009 International conference, Yevpatoria, Ukraine, 2009, pp.165-168. 3. V.Mashkov, V.Palascak. SW fault-tolerance based on design diversity. In Proceedings of ISDMCI’2010 International conference, Yevpatoria, Ukraine, 2010, pp.298-305. 4. J.Fiser, V.Mashkov. Generic model for application of probabilistic algorithms for system self-diagnosis. In Proceedings of ISDMCI’2010 International conference, Yevpatoria, Ukraine, 2010, pp.215-218. |