
Odessa national polytechnic university

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Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, managing the department of electrical "Equipment" of the Dneprodzerzinsk state technical university, prorector on the advanced study of DGTU.

He was born on February, 25, 1945 in city Zaul'ba Eastern Kazah region. In 1967 graduated the electroenergy faculty of the Kiev polytechnic institute on speciality "Electromechanic and automation of industrial options".
Scientifically-pedagogical activity of beginning in 1970, working as the leader of group of sources of feed of the Central research laboratory of welding - branch of the Kiev institute of the electric welding the name of Е.А. Paton and, holding two jobs, by senior teacher Коммунарского горно-металлургического institute.
From 1972 to 1985: graduate student, assistant, senior teacher, associate professor of department of electrical equipment of industrial enterprises of Kommunar mining and metallurgy institute. In 1980 secured dissertation for the competition of scientific degree of candidate of engineering sciences on the topic "Synthesis and research of the systems of optimal management by a thyristor electromechanic"

Since 1985 works as in the Dneprodzerzhinsk state technical university the associate professor of department of electrical equipment of industrial enterprises. In 1993 secured dissertation for the competition of scientific degree of doctor of engineering sciences on the topic: "Synthesis and research of optimal on exactness control system by electromechanics with a subzero sensitiveness to the wide spectrum of destabilizing factors".



In 1996 after the receipt of scientific rank of professor led the department of electrical equipment. Since 1998 works as a pro-rector on the advanced study.

Basic direction of research works:systems of optimal on exactness and to the fast-acting management by electromechanics objects and technological complexes.
Additional directions of research works:CASS of management of technological management; control system of turbomechanisms.
On each of directions manages researches, conducted on a department and in the scientifically-innovative enterprises of city.
Prepared a 1 doctor and 4 candidates of engineering sciences. 

Published the more than 250 advanced studies among which monographs of "Control system by the tracker drives of aerial options" (1990), "Systems of optimal management by prezitsionnymi electromechanics" (1996); train aids: "Synthesis of the systems of optimal management by electromechanics" (1990), "Design of the electromechanics systems" (1999), a textbook is "Design of the electromechanics systems" (2001), 42 inventions. Chairman XIV to the International scientific and technical conference of Problem of automatic electric drive. Theory and practice, taking place in September, 2007.

Teaches disciplines:
"Theory of automatic control",
"Systems of optimal management by electromechanics",
"Control system by prezitsinnymi electromechanics",
"Theory of electromechanic".

Last published advanced studies:
