The professor of department of electric machines of the Odessa national polytechnic university. Scientist in area of optimal projector synthesis, design and research of electromagnetic and electromechanics transformers of energy, doctor of engineering sciences (1994), professor (1994). He was born on July, 25, 1932 in v. Keleberda of the Kremenchug district of the Poltava area. In 1955 with a difference finished the electrical engineering faculty of the Odessa national polytechnic institute and worked from 1955 to 1958 in Chelyabinsk at the plant of electric machines, where designed fluidizers test of electromechanics transformers and electric vehicles of objects of military technique. In 1958 invited on work by the assistant of department of electric machines in the Odessa polytechnic institute (OPI), where works presently. In 1966 in the specialized scientific Advice at OPI protected candidate's dissertation. In a period from 1973 to 1983 worked as to the managers the department of the Electric machines. In 1992 in the Moscow power institute secured doctoral dissertation for a theme: the "Mathematical design and automated project synthesis of the special transformers", and in 1994 the scientific rank of professor is appropriated him. G. V. Puilo is founded scientific school and scientific direction on the automated optimal project synthesis and researches of electromagnetic and electromechanics transformers of energy. He is publish the over 130 advanced and methodical studies (from them there is one monograph) and 12 copyright certificates are got on inventions. Under scientific guidance and advising of professor G. V. Puilo protected two doctoral and five candidate's dissertations. Presently G. V. Puilo is the member of expert advice after the electrical engineering and power engineering specialist VAK Ukraine, and also specialized council of defence of candidate's dissertations at the Odessa national polytechnic university and by the leader of seminar of scientific advice of ÍÀÍ of Ukraine the "Electromagnetic processes and project synthesis of electric machines and transformers" on complex issue "Scientific bases of electroenergy". Since 1998 he is a deputy of managing editor of scientific and technical magazine "electrical machine-building and electrical equipment" (publ. of "Òåõí³êà", Kiev). (Since 2010 are the electrical "Engineering and computer systems"), and also member of editorial colleges of magazines of "Electrotechnic and Electromechanic" (Kharkov), electrical "Engineering and electroenergy" (Zaporozhye). |