ONPU Rector Dr. Eng., Prof. Guennady A. Oborsky ”Metal Cutting Tools, Metrology and Certification” Chair President, the Ukraine Academy of Engineering Sciences Member, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Honored Worker of the National Education of Ukraine Guennady A. Oborsky is a well-known expert in technological systems of the reliability and dynamics field, member of the Scientific experts Board for Metrology, Standardization and Certification of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science. Guennady A. Oborsky was born July 2, 1954 in Odessa. He entered the Odessa Polytechnic Institute (since 2001 National University) in 1971, graduated in 1976, and obtained a degree in "Technology of mechanical engineering, machine tools and instruments". After graduation he was working at this institution as an engineer, and a junior researcher. He did a military service in the Armed Forces of the USSR from 1978 till 1980. He became an assistant lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, PGI in 1982. In 1985 he defended his thesis, and since 1988 he had been an Associate Professor. In 1990-1991 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty, and from 1991 to 1996 - Dean of the Mechanics and Technology institute, from 1996 to 2000 - a director of the Institute of Industrial Technology, Design and Management. Since 2000 - a vice-rector for academic, scientific and educational activities and staff-economic issues. Since 1996 - a head of "Metal Cutting Tools, Metrology and Certification". In 1998 - a Professor in 2006, defended his doctoral dissertation and received his degree in Technical Sciences. Since 1995 he has been a Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Scientific Council for the Protection of the doctoral theses. G. Oborsky is a renowned expert in the field of the dynamics and the reliability of the technological systems. G. Oborsky was a scientific advisor of three candidates, supervises graduate students, published over 100 scientific publications, including patents, monographs, and textbooks and teaching aids. Since 2004 G. Oborsky has been an Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, in 1993, 1998, 2004 he was awarded with the MES certificates of Ukraine, in 2006 he was awarded with the Plaque of Honour of Peter Graves. Since 2000 he has been a Member of Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine. | | |
Перечень публикаций - Введение в методы оптимизации и теорию технических систем: Учеб. пособие / А.В. Усов, Г.А. Оборский, Ю.А. Морозов, К.А. Дубров. — О.: Астропринт, 2005. — 493 с.
- Влияние термомеханических явлений на устойчивость процесса резания и изнашивание режущих инструментов / А.В. Усов, Г.А. Оборский // Сверхтвердые материалы. — 2003. — N 6. — С. 66-71.
- Методика расчета параметров кинематической точности шариковых винтовых передач / Г.А. Оборский, В.А. Вайсман, В.В. Натальчишин // Тр. Одес. политехн. ун-та. — 1999. — Вып. 1(7). — С. 37-40.
- Теоретичні основи динаміки машин: навч. посіб. / М.Г. Сур'янінов, О.Ф. Дащенко, П.О. Білоус, Г.О. Оборський. — 2-ге вид., переробл. і доповн. — О.: Астропринт, 2008. — 411 с. — Бібліогр.: с. 410-411. — ISBN 978-966-190-0*71-3. — укp.
- Теорія ймовірностей та елементи математичної статистики: Навч. посіб. / Л.І. Плотнікова, А.В. Усов, Г.В. Кострова, Г.О. Оборський, Т.О. Комлєва. — О.: Астропринт, 2004. — 328 с. — ISBN 966-318-223-7. — укp.
- Технология машиностроения: Учеб. для студ. машиностроит. спец. вузов / А.В. Якимов, В.Н. Царюк, А.А. Якимов, Г.А. Оборский, В.П. Ларшин, А.В. Самойленко. — О.: Астропринт, 2001. — 605 с.